2022-23 ESF Plenary Lectures
Plenary Schedule
All Plenaries except Wk 1 and Wk 4 held will be held on Zoom on Fridays 12:30-1:20pm.
September 30: Welcome to ESF (Introduction to the Program) with Prof. Russell Berman (Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages), Director, ESF Program, and Dr. Mutallip Anwar, Dr. Meg Formato, Dr. Valerie Kinsey, Dr. Ruth Starkman, and Dr. Sarah Pittock, lecturers in the Program and Writing Rhetoric. Attend this Plenary in person at the Oak Lounge in Tresidder Union (on the second floor above the Coffee House). The plenary will take place from 12:30-1:20pm. Box lunches will be distributed following and we hope you will eat somewhere outside with your section and section leaders.
October 14: Prof. Adam Banks (Education), Director, PWR
TUESDAY Oct. 18, 6:30pm: Lulu Miller on-campus conversation, Memorial Church
October 28: H.R. McMaster, former US National Security Advisor
November 4: Prof. Condoleezza Rice (Political Science; Director, Hoover Institute)
November 11: Prof. Michael McFaul (International Relations)
November 18: Ayaan Ali Ferguson, writer, activist, feminist
December 2: Dr. Margaret Mitchell, computer scientist and ethicist
Plenary PLUS: December 2, 3 PM: Dr. Mitchell in conversation with computer scientist Dr. Emily Bender, CEMEX auditorium